Friday, February 8, 2008

Etsy Favorites Friday, Vol. 1

So, I decided that I am going to make a post every Friday that will highlight some of my favorite finds on Etsy. Hope you enjoy them!

Favorite Shops:

This is probably one of my favorite sellers, and I'm sure that many of you feel the same way already. I happen to already own this little darling, which I recieved as a Christmas gift. The shop is certainly worth checking out.

Alicia Bock's photography is downright brilliant. I love the simply beauty of her work, and the technique she uses gives many of her photos a very vintage, lost in a photo album look. I sincerely hope that you all check this out, because if you can't find beauty in these, you probably can't find it anywhere in the world.

This brother/sister wonder duo is honestly one of the coolest things I've come across on Etsy so far. Amy draws out the designs and then sends them off to brother Glenn who screen prints them on American Apparel t-shirts. (For those of you liveing under rocks, that mean top quality t-shirtage, right there).
Well Kiddies, it's about time for me to wrap this up! Hope you enjoy your Friday (it's gorgeous where I am!).

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